Soham Chakraborty and Priyanka Sarkar, two of Kolkata’s most beloved actors, have reunited for a new film directed by Rano Raj. The film, which started shooting on Monday in South Kolkata, features Soham as ‘Akash,’ while Priyanka plays the role of ‘Meghla.’ Bibriti Chatterjee plays the character of a journalist, ‘Brishti, ‘ trying to discover pure love between the two characters, who are part of the modern generation.

The film’s story is about two individuals who fall deeply in love despite being part of the modern generation. As the story unfolds, Soham and Priyanka’s characters discover a pure love that changes their lives forever.

Soham and Priyanka have previously worked together in several films, such as ‘Amar Aponjon and’ Kolkatar Harry’ and they have great on-screen chemistry. Their reunion in this new film has generated a lot of excitement among their fans, who eagerly await to see them together again.

In the film, Bibriti plays a responsible journalist who is passionate about her work. She said, “I will try to portray the character of a journalist who is highly responsible towards her profession.” She also mentioned that he has faced many journalists in his career and has a lot of respect for the profession.

The film’s director, Rano Raj, is known for his romantic films, and this one promises to be another beautiful love story. With Soham and Priyanka in the lead roles, the film is expected to be a hit among the audience.