Veteran actor Mushtaq Khan, known for his roles in over 400 films, recently shared details about a harrowing kidnapping experience. Speaking about the incident, Khan revealed he was taken to an undisclosed location by a group of kidnappers who demanded ₹1 crore from him.
He explained that the kidnappers assumed he was wealthy due to his long career in the film industry and recent association with the blockbuster Gadar 2, which earned over ₹500 crores. Despite their assumptions, Khan informed them he had no money or even a debit card.
Recalling the events, Khan stated that he was fortunate to escape when the kidnappers passed out after getting heavily drunk. Taking advantage of the situation, he managed to flee, an act he considers a stroke of luck. He expressed relief, stating that he shudders to think what might have happened had he not been able to escape.
Initially hesitant to file a complaint, Khan eventually decided to involve the authorities. With the help of police and others, the kidnappers, a group of 8-9 people, were identified and apprehended. He also revealed that during the operation, three of the kidnappers were killed in an encounter.
Khan’s story sheds light on the risks faced by public figures due to misconceptions about their financial status. The actor expressed gratitude for the swift action by law enforcement, which ensured justice and his safety. The incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable challenges that individuals in the entertainment industry may encounter.