Actor Ajith Kumar, known for his love of motorsports, is back on the track after surviving a crash during an endurance test. The crash, which could have been a setback, didn’t keep him away from racing. Ajith is now preparing for the upcoming 24H Dubai series in 2025 under his own team, The Ajith Kumar Racing Team.
Despite the crash, which didn’t result in any injuries, Ajith’s determination to return to the tracks is a testament to his resilience. His commitment to racing has been unwavering, and he continues to train and compete in major events, showing no signs of slowing down.
One of Ajith’s former co-stars, Regina Cassandra, praised the actor for his perseverance and passion for the sport. In a recent story post, she highlighted how Ajith’s resilience is inspiring to many. She also wished him the best of luck for his participation in the upcoming race, acknowledging the actor’s dedication to both his career and his passion for motorsports.
Ajith’s return to racing after the crash demonstrates his unrelenting focus and determination. As the 24H Dubai series approaches, fans and colleagues alike are eager to see him back on the track, racing with the same enthusiasm and commitment that has made him a respected figure in both cinema and motorsports.
On the movies front, Ajith last had the release Thunivu in 2023 and will have two releases in 2025 in the form of Vidaamuyarchi and Good Bad Ugly.