Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar recently addressed the setbacks of some of his films at the box office during the trailer launch of his upcoming film, Sky Force. Speaking candidly about his approach to work, the actor emphasized his commitment to balancing diverse genres and staying consistently active in the industry.

Akshay acknowledged that experiencing box office failures is not a new phenomenon for him. He admitted that some of his recent projects have underperformed, but he remains resolute in his belief that the best way to move forward is to keep working. Reflecting on his philosophy, Akshay mentioned that despite advice from others to slow down or limit himself to one film a year, he sees no reason to hold back if he can maintain his pace.

The actor also discussed his decision to take on films like Sky Force and his pride in working on projects like Sarfira, even though they did not achieve commercial success. He shared that some people questioned his choice of films, particularly projects that diverged from mainstream expectations. However, Akshay views these ventures as part of his attempt to create a balance between different types of cinema.

While acknowledging that Sarfira did not perform as expected, Akshay expressed immense pride in the film, calling it one of his finest works. For him, the focus is less on immediate outcomes and more on the passion for storytelling and contributing to the industry.

Apart from Sky Force, Akshay Kumar also has Housefull 5 and Welcome To The Jungle this year while Bhoot Bangla is planned for 2026 and Jolly LLB 3 doesn’t currently have a certain release period.