Pushpa actor Allu Arjun was arrested by the police on Friday in connection with a stampede that arose during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad on December 4. The incident led to the tragic death of a 39-year-old woman and left her son critically injured.
According to police reports, the stampede broke out as a large crowd gathered for the premiere, with Allu Arjun’s unexpected arrival reportedly triggering the chaos inside the venue. Authorities noted that the film’s team had not notified them in advance about the actor’s attendance, which led to a lack of adequate security arrangements to manage the crowd.
A case has been registered against Allu Arjun, the management of Sandhya Theatre, and his security team. The charges include culpable homicide not amounting to murder and causing grievous hurt. These charges were filed after the family of the deceased woman lodged a complaint with the police.
The case has been registered at Chikkadpally police station, where investigations are underway. Police officials stated that stringent action would be taken against those responsible for the mishandling of the situation that led to the tragedy.
Allu Arjun was taken into custody by the Chikkadpally police on Friday, following the filing of the First Information Report (FIR). The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are focusing on the factors that led to the stampede and the apparent lack of crowd control measures during the event.
The incident has raised serious concerns about the safety protocols at public events, especially at high-profile film premieres. While the arrest has attracted media attention, Allu Arjun has yet to release a public statement regarding the matter.
Pushpa 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Pushpa: The Rise, had drawn significant attention ahead of its premiere marking 1000 cr in six days. However, the stampede has overshadowed the film’s launch, leading to a tragic turn of events that has left fans and the public in shock.