Allu Arjun, the star of Pushpa 2: The Rule, recently extended heartfelt congratulations to Telugu cinema legend Nandamuri Balakrishna, who was honored with the prestigious Padma Bhushan award. In a post, Allu Arjun expressed his admiration for Balakrishna’s immense contribution to Telugu cinema, calling the recognition well-deserved. He also congratulated other notable figures, including actor Ajith Kumar, actress Shobana, director Shekhar Kapur, and all the recipients of the Padma Awards in the arts category.
Allu Arjun’s post read, “Heartfelt congratulations to #NandamuriBalakrishna garu on receiving the prestigious #PadmaBhushan award, this recognition is well-deserved for your contributions in Telugu cinema. My dear #AjithKumar garu, your achievement is equally inspiring and commendable. Also congratulations to #Shobana garu, @shekharkapur garu, and all the Padma Award honorees. This recognition in arts category pleases my heart with immense joy!”
Chiranjeevi also took to social media to congratulate those honored, including Balakrishna, Ajith Kumar, Sri Anant Nag, Sekhar Kapur, and others, including Padma Shri awardees Arijit Singh and Madugula Nagaphani Sarma. He praised the honorees for their contributions across various fields.
Karthi, too, shared his congratulations, praising Balakrishna’s legacy and his influence on fans over the years. He wrote, “#NandamuriBalakrishna garu on receiving the prestigious #PadmaBhushan award! A true icon of Telugu cinema, his unforgettable performances over the past many decades have entertained generations!”
Balakrishna, who made his acting debut early in his career, has acted in over 100 films, establishing himself as a prominent figure in the Telugu film industry.