Actress Ananya Panday recently shared her thoughts on her personal and professional aspirations during an interview with Forbes. Looking ahead to the next five years, she expressed her hope to be married and have a happy, settled life. She mentioned her desire to plan for children and have several dogs, envisioning a family-oriented future.
On the professional front, Ananya acknowledged the competitive nature of the film industry. She remarked that it is essential to stay aware of the competition and observe what is happening in the industry. She noted that competition does not always have to be viewed negatively, as it can drive growth and improvement.
Describing herself as a quiet competitor, Ananya explained that she does not openly express her competitiveness but prefers to push herself in her work. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive perspective on competition, adding that while keeping an eye on others is necessary, it should not lead to bitterness or negativity. She also stated her belief that there is ample space for everyone in the industry.
Ananya has been gradually carving out her space in Bollywood with a variety of projects. She was recently seen theatrically in Dream Girl 2 alongside Ayushmann Khurrana, a film that performed well at the box office. She also made her OTT debut with Call Me Bae, a comedy series where she portrayed the role of a fashionista navigating personal challenges.
The critical acclaim she received for Kho Gaye Hum Kahan and CTRL led her to have a great 2024 and now has multiple releases lined up ahead both theatrically and digitally as well.