Celebrity fitness trainer Namrata Purohit recently shared a glimpse of a workout session at her gym that featured a unique gathering of stars. In a video posted on her social media, actors Ananya Panday, Mrunal Thakur, singer Dhvani Bhanushali, and Ananya’s sister Rysa Panday were seen working out together.

The video showed the Panday sisters engaging in step-up exercises, while Thakur and Bhanushali performed a different routine. Despite the varied activities, the group appeared to enjoy their workout. The camaraderie among them was evident as smiles and laughter filled the session.

Namrata Purohit’s caption on the post hinted at how spontaneous the session was, showcasing the ease with which these celebrities came together for fitness. The trainer is known for her association with numerous celebrities, helping them maintain their fitness goals through Pilates and other routines.

Fans were quick to react to the clip, appreciating the collective dedication of the four women towards staying fit. The video also sparked conversations about how fitness can be a shared experience, bringing together individuals from different fields.


Dhvani Bhanushali, known for her chart-topping songs, often shares glimpses of her fitness journey. Similarly, Ananya Panday and Mrunal Thakur have been vocal about their commitment to health and wellness. Rysa Panday, though away from the limelight, is frequently spotted accompanying her sister to workout sessions.

This impromptu gathering of talent at Namrata Purohit’s gym became a talking point, underlining the growing trend of group workouts among celebrities.