Anil Kapoor and his daughter Sonam Kapoor took a moment and took to social media to offer their special wishes for their mother and grandmother respectively, Mrs Nirmal Kapoor. She celebrates her 90th birthday today and it is thus a special moment in the Kapoor family. Firstly, son and superstar, Anil Kapoor shared a series of lovely images that started with him from his younger days as a toddler, who is resting on his mother’s lap. The second image was the entire Kapoor family being caught in a candid moment, and the third image was him holding the wheelchair, her mother is seated on. He captioned the post saying, “90 years of love, strength, and endless sacrifices. Your presence fills our lives with joy and positivity every day. Blessed to be your child. Happy birthday, Mummy!”-

Anil Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor wish Nirmal Kapoor on her 90th birthday 919771

Anil Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor wish Nirmal Kapoor on her 90th birthday 919772

Anil Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor wish Nirmal Kapoor on her 90th birthday 919773

On the other hand, Sonam Kapoor also shared four images where the first one saw her holding her great-grandson and Sonam’s son, Vayu, while the second had Sonam’s younger image in black and white, the third one was a precious image from Sonam’s wedding as she is caught in a candid moment getting emotional with her grandmother, and the last one saw three generations – grandmom Nirmal Kapoor, mom Sunita Kapoor and herself-

Anil Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor wish Nirmal Kapoor on her 90th birthday 919775

Anil Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor wish Nirmal Kapoor on her 90th birthday 919776

Anil Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor wish Nirmal Kapoor on her 90th birthday 919777

Anil Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor wish Nirmal Kapoor on her 90th birthday 919778

Nirmal Kapoor and husband, Surinder Kapoor married in 1955 and apart from Anil Kapoor, they have two more sons – Sanjay Kapoor and Boney Kapoor, and a daughter, Reena Kapoor.