Actor Urvashi Rautela has found herself in the spotlight yet again, this time for her comments about her fan following. While promoting the success of her film Daaku Maharaj, Rautela made a statement that quickly caught attention. Speaking about her global fan base, she reportedly said, “Bahut hi zyada diverse fan following hai meri, I have fans in the US, America and Las Vegas.”
The remark was widely discussed online, as the distinction she made between the USA, America, and Las Vegas appeared redundant. Social media users pointed out that the USA and America are the same, and Las Vegas is a city in the USA. The actor was trolled for her statement, with many questioning whether she realized the error.
This is not the first time Rautela has made headlines for her remarks. Recently, she faced criticism for her response to the news of Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing case. Instead of addressing the incident, Rautela reportedly shifted focus to discussing her film’s success and her possessions, which many found inappropriate.
Despite the backlash, the actor continues to promote Daaku Maharaj and remains a topic of discussion for her statements and social media presence. Whether intentional or not, Rautela’s comments frequently spark conversations, keeping her in the public eye.