Renowned filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has announced that Natesh Hegde’s second feature film, Vaghachipani (Tiger’s Pond), will have its world premiere at the prestigious Berlinale Forum. This marks a significant milestone, as it is the first-ever Kannada feature film to be selected for the Berlin International Film Festival.

The film is a collaborative production involving Natesh Hegde, Anurag Kashyap, Cinemakasam, and Jeremy Chua. Kashyap shared the news on Instagram, expressing gratitude to actor and filmmaker Rishab Shetty for his crucial support during the film’s shoot. Kashyap noted that Shetty’s involvement made the project possible.

Anurag Kashyap announces his production, 'Tiger's Pond' getting selected for Berlin Film Festival 933130

Directed and written by Natesh Hegde, Tiger’s Pond has been shot on 16mm, highlighting the director’s commitment to a specific cinematic vision. Kashyap described the project as Hegde’s “labour of love” and expressed eagerness to present it to audiences worldwide.

Natesh Hegde gained recognition for his debut film, Pedro, which received critical acclaim for its unique storytelling and aesthetics. With Tiger’s Pond, Hegde continues to make his mark in the international film circuit.

The Berlinale Forum section is known for showcasing avant-garde and experimental films that push the boundaries of conventional cinema. The selection of Tiger’s Pond is expected to draw attention to Kannada cinema on the global stage.

Anurag Kashyap’s involvement as a producer adds to his track record of supporting distinctive voices in Indian cinema. By collaborating with emerging talents like Hegde, Kashyap continues to bridge Indian cinema with global platforms.

Further details about the film’s premiere date and screenings at Berlinale are awaited.