Anushka Rajan is a well-known Indian actress and model. As this is the last day of the year, the actress penned a farewell note for 2024 on her social media. She revealed that she had been on bed rest for a couple of months. In her story, the actress shared with her fans about her physical and mental health condition with a conclusion note, hoping for a better future and year.

On her Instagram story, Anushka penned a note mentioning about the good start to 2024: “Everyone’s writing up a lil something on the last day of the year so, I thought, why not!? – This year has been a little toooo fast but at the same time I’ve been stuck in nothingness for a while. Started the year on a different note mentally but as god always wants things to happen a certain way I ended up signing a show after many years and it was a fantastic experience. ”

Further, the Batti Gul Meter Chalu actress revealed being on bed rest due to a slip disc and shared, “After that just when I got into the mood of getting back to work and I started putting myself out there almost the last 3 months I’ve been stuck on bed rest with a slipdisc. ”

Anushka Ranjan On Bed Rest: What Happened To Batti Gul Meter Chalu Actress? 930962

Anushka highlighted that this injury and bed rest not only made her physically stressed but triggered her mental well-being, but she is hoping for a better and healthier future, “Which initially was fine and I was all like -HEALTH IS WEALTH.. suddenly it’s taken a mental toll on me like I couldn’t imagine. Sleepless nights. Anxious thoughts and just overall feeling of sadness. But on this very last day I’m feeling better about myself. I’m feeling like everything happens for a reason and I’ll find out the reason sooner than later. So ya it’s been a year but I did it. And so did you!”

Anushka Ranjan has appeared in films like Wedding Pullav, Batti Gul Meter Chalu,  Fittrat, and others. She got married to actor Aditya Seal in November 2021.