Soham Acharya, known for his critically acclaimed short films Ki Karone? and Order Supply, makes his feature film debut with Aprokashito. This gripping psycho-thriller promises to keep audiences in their seats. The film revolves around renowned writer Amit Dutta (Joy Sengupta), whose latest mystery novel inspires a series of gruesome murders across the city.

As the body count rises, journalist Joy (Aryann Bhowmik) embarks on a quest to unravel the truth behind these brutal killings. Aprokashito raises questions about the thin line between fandom and obsession, leaving viewers wondering if the murderers are Amit Dutta’s admirers or if a more sinister motive is at play.

With a talented ensemble cast, including Debleena Dutt and Lama Halder, Aprokashito promises a captivating narrative that keeps audiences guessing until the end. Soham Acharya’s versatility as a filmmaker shines through as he takes on the additional responsibility of lyricist and composer for the film’s soundtrack.

A Complex Web of Secrets and Lies

As Joy digs deeper, he uncovers a complex web of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy everything. The film’s gripping plot and talented cast ensure that audiences will be on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the truth.

A New Voice in Bengali Cinema

Soham Acharya’s Aprokashito marks a new voice in Bengali cinema that promises to push the boundaries of storytelling and suspense. With its thought-provoking themes and captivating narrative, Aprokashito, which will be released on September 6th, is set to leave a lasting impact on audiences.