Avantika Malik, former wife of actor Imran Khan, recently shared a candid post reflecting on her personal growth and emotional struggles following their separation in 2019. The couple, who tied the knot in 2011, decided to part ways after eight years of marriage. In a heartfelt note, Avantika opened up about the pivotal year that reshaped her life and how she has since navigated through the pain.

Avantika described 2019 as the year she “broke and unravelled.” She shared her reflections through a poetic post, urging others to embrace life, take risks, and focus on hope. In her message, she wrote, “The truth is, the number of days we have here is actually not so large. So if you have the opportunity to wake up tomorrow… I hope you show up for it. Do as much as you possibly can with your time here.” She emphasized the importance of love, forgiveness, and staying hopeful despite challenges.

Avantika Malik on emotional journey post divorce with Imran Khan 932362

Reflecting on a recent reunion with friends she hadn’t seen since 2019, Avantika recounted their observations about her transformation. According to her, they noticed a shift in her demeanor, highlighting her authenticity and newfound joy. “They both had the same things to say… That they finally see me being authentic, the real me. And the joy they see brings to my eyes, a glow to my face,” she wrote.

Avantika attributed her progress to her decision to hold onto hope during dark times. She explained, “In the darkest, bleakest moments, I reminded myself that if all I do is focus on putting out the love within me, the universe will generously reflect that back to me.” She expressed gratitude for the journey that has brought her to a place of healing and self-discovery.

Avantika and Imran, childhood sweethearts, married in 2011 in a grand ceremony. After their separation, the two have maintained an amicable relationship while co-parenting their daughter, Imara. Meanwhile, Imran has moved on and is now in a relationship with actress Lekha Washington.

Avantika’s post offers a glimpse into her journey of resilience and transformation, emphasizing the importance of hope and self-expression even in the face of adversity.