Famous Indian filmmaker and director of Salman Khan’s film Bodyguard died on Tuesday, August 8, around 9:10 pm. Yesterday, the filmmaker was rushed to hospital after cardiac arrest in Kochi’s Amrita Hospital. As per the reports, he was under care after suffering the attack. But his condition continued to worsen, and the doctors put him on ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machine.
Siddique used to live with his wife, Shajitha, and his three daughters. Filmmaker B. Unnikrishnan announced his death and revealed that the funeral will be held at Central Juma Masjid, Ernakulam, around 6 pm on August 9. However, until then, the body will be kept at Rajiv Gandhi indoor stadium in Kadavantra for the public to pay homage from 9 am to 12 pm.
Siddhique’s full name is Siddhique Ismail. He entered the Malayalam film business with his friend Lal as an assistant director to veteran director Fazil in 1983. And the duo created some of the Malayalam comedy blockbusters like Ramji Rao Speaking, In Harihar Nagar, Godfather, and Vietnam Colony. Heart attack has become a major cause of death in recent times. This problem is faced by young adults. Stars like Siddharth Shukla, KK, Satish Kaushik, Raju Shrivastava, and others died from heart attacks.
Our heartfelt condolences to the family and close ones for the major loss.
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