South Sensation and National crush Rashmika Mandanna is all set to take the nation by a storm, with her upcoming Bollywood releases. Since the last few days, the actress had been seen making a lot of detours to the heart of Hindi cinema – Mumbai, to prep for her upcoming projects. To make sure work commitments don’t get hindered, Rashmika has now procured a place of her own in Mumbai.
A source close to the actress reveals, “Rashmika had been doing a lot of back and forth between Mumbai and Hyderabad, to prepare for ‘Mission Majnu’ and other Bollywood projects. Now she has gotten a place of her own in the city so that her movement becomes swift.”
The source further adds, “To give the place a more homely feeling, Rashmika has brought some near and dear things from her Hyderabad home to her new house in Mumbai. She earlier had been staying in hotels, but now with her own house, she feels more attached to the city.”
The actress has ‘Mission Majnu’ alongside Sidharth Malhotra under her kitty. According to the reports, she has also bagged another Bollywood project, which is still under the wraps.
After giving out such remarkable and memorable performances in the south with Sarileru Neekevvaru, Geetha Govindam, and Dear comrade, Rashmika’s Bollywood debut is considered one of the most sought-after and anticipated one!