Blame it on the media’s constant probing .But why did we need to know why Luv Sinha was not present at his sister Sonakshi Sinha’s wedding celebrations?

For those not clued keenly into the Sinha’s family tree,Luv is one of Shatrughan and Poonam Sinha’s twin sons(the other twin, for the record, is named, no prizes for guessing, Kush).

Luv made his rather unnoticed debut in 2010 in a film called Sadiyan. The film flopped. And no more was heard of Luv’s acting ambitions. He later contested the Lok Sabha elections and lost miserably. Luv has now appointed himself the moral custodian of his family , much to his parents’ embarrassment.

When Sonakshi’s parents got to know there was no way they could discourage their daughter from marrying her chosen lifemate, they did what any sensible parent would do in their place: they gave the couple their blessings, attended the wedding celebrations, posed for pictures with the groom’s parents and went home.

Young hotblooded Luv Sinha had other plans. He now wants to “expose” Sonakshi’s husband’s family, and wants us to know he didn’t attend the wedding , as Zaheer’s father has dubious political connections.


Don’t take this the wrong way, Luv Sinha. But your righteous outburst against Sonakshi’s father-in-law serves no purpose except to expose your churlish opposition to the marital alliance. How dare she, etc etc…Why is it so difficult for you to accept your sister’s happiness, and if not accept her marriage then at least leave it alone. She can survive without your approval,and live with your disapproval, thank you.

To try and discredit the family in which Sonakshi has married is the sneakiest and most lowdown thing her brother could do. Does he realize how much he is hurting his own parents, let alone his only sister who has done no wrong: she has married the man she loves, not his family.

Does Luv not know how much stress his father is under? Why add it to unnecessarily?

So what if there are dark areas in Zaheer’s family life? How does it help to bring it out with documented evidence and all? It’s like saying don’t marry this man , his sister has pockmarks on her face. How does it matter what blemishes the family of the bridegroom has?

According to Luv Sinha he couldn’t attend his sister’s wedding celebration for the boy’s father’s alleged dubious dealings.A spotless track record for the bride’s father-in-law would have ensured Master Sinha’s happy participation in the wedding festivities? I don’t think so. For a party crasher any excuse to rain on the party would do.