Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari, known for his successful films Dangal and Chhichhore, recently opened up about his journey in the film industry and shared some insightful behind-the-scenes stories in a conversation with Mukesh Chhabra on The Bombay Dream. During the episode, Tiwari spoke fondly of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, praising his work ethic and commitment while shooting for Chhichhore.
Tiwari recalled the intense dedication Sushant showed during the making of the film, particularly in how he approached his craft. The director revealed that Sushant was highly meticulous when it came to his performances. “He was always questioning himself, always asking if he was delivering the right shot. He used to go back and forth, doing retakes, striving to perfect every moment,” Tiwari shared.
The 2019 film Chhichhore, a coming-of-age comedy-drama, featured Sushant in one of his most memorable roles as a father reminiscing about his college days. Tiwari mentioned that this level of inquisitiveness and hard work wasn’t just limited to Sushant’s performance but extended to his overall approach to acting. Despite being an accomplished actor, Sushant remained humble, continuously seeking feedback and constantly improving, according to Tiwari.
The director also recalled Sushant’s ability to bring depth to his character, effortlessly balancing the light-hearted moments with the film’s more emotional scenes. Tiwari said that Sushant’s dedication was contagious on set, influencing not just his co-stars but the entire crew.
Nitesh Tiwari’s comments have sparked a wave of appreciation for Sushant’s dedication, especially among fans who remember him for his tireless work ethic and passion for acting.
The actor’s untimely death in 2020 left a void in the industry, but memories of his professionalism and enthusiasm continue to inspire many in the film world.