Bollywood actress and filmmaker Divya Khosla Kumar has sustained injuries during the ongoing shoot of her latest project in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The actress took to social media to share a photo of her injured hands, which were visibly bleeding. Along with the image, she wrote, “Shooting day 18,” giving fans a glimpse into the intensity of her shooting schedule.

The exact details of the accident have not been disclosed, and Khosla Kumar has not revealed the name of the film she is currently working on. However, the picture and her brief caption indicate that she is still in the midst of a challenging shooting routine.

In her post, the actress did not go into specifics about the nature of her injuries or the extent of the damage, but the image of her bleeding hands raised concern among her followers. Many took to social media to express their support and wish her a speedy recovery.

Divya Khosla Kumar’s last film, Savi, garnered significant attention and praise for her performance. The film, which was released earlier this year, marked her return to the silver screen and was well-received by audiences, especially for her chemistry with co-star Harshvardhan Rane. The romantic drama stood out as a testament to her versatility as an actress.

While it remains unclear which film Khosla Kumar is currently filming, her post reflects her dedication to her craft, with no signs of slowing down despite the injury. The actress, who is known for balancing her acting career with filmmaking, has always been committed to delivering high-quality performances, even under physically demanding circumstances.

Fans and colleagues from the film industry have shown concern for the actress’s well-being, and many are hoping that she takes the necessary precautions and gets well soon. It is unclear how this injury will impact her shooting schedule or if any delays are expected.

Khosla Kumar’s resilience and commitment to her work have always been admired by her fans, and this latest incident only reinforces her determination to push through challenges in pursuit of her passion for cinema.