Actor Varun Kulkarni, who is known for his appearance in Shah Rukh Khan‘s film Dunki, is currently fighting for his life in the hospital due to kidney ailments. As the actor is admitted and critical, his friend Roshan Shetty shared an update about his condition through social media. He also appealed for financial support from fans and friends.

Roshan, on his Instagram, posted photos of Varun from the hospital, showcasing his critical condition. Sharing details about Varun’s health condition, Roshan, in the caption, said, “My dear friend and theatre co-artist, Varun Kulkarni, is currently battling severe kidney issues. Despite our previous efforts to raise funds, the expenses for his treatment continue to mount. He requires dialysis 2–3 times a week, along with regular medical care and emergency hospital visits. Just two days ago, Varun was rushed to the hospital for an emergency dialysis session.”

Dunki' Fame Varun Kulkarni Critical In Hospital; Appeals For Financial Support 933625

Dunki' Fame Varun Kulkarni Critical In Hospital; Appeals For Financial Support 933626

Dunki' Fame Varun Kulkarni Critical In Hospital; Appeals For Financial Support 933627

Dunki' Fame Varun Kulkarni Critical In Hospital; Appeals For Financial Support 933628

Dunki' Fame Varun Kulkarni Critical In Hospital; Appeals For Financial Support 933629

Dunki' Fame Varun Kulkarni Critical In Hospital; Appeals For Financial Support 933630

Roshan highlighted that Varun is not just a good actor but also a good human being. Talking about his life and journey, he revealed that the actor lost his parents at a young age and has been working all by himself, pursuing his passion and continuing to work as an actor.

In the end, Roshan appealed for financial support from fans and well-wishers and provided a link for donations: “Your support—no matter the amount—can make a huge difference. Even sharing this message can help reach more people who might lend a hand. Let’s come together to help Varun get back on stage, where he belongs.”

Varun Kulkarni has also appeared in shows like Scam 1992 and The Family Man.

We wish Varun Kulkarni a speedy recovery!