Producer Ekta Kapoor has taken to her Instagram stories to address recent tensions with actor Ram Kapoor. In a cryptic post, Kapoor criticized “unprofessional actors” who are allegedly spreading “false information and skewed stories” about her television shows. Her message, which reads, “Unprofessional actors giving interviews about my shows should shut up! False information and skewed stories. Can only last till. I talk’…… but there is dignity in silence,” appears to be a direct response to Ram Kapoor’s recent remarks that have gone viral.

The controversy centers around Ram Kapoor’s comments on the popular Indian TV show Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, which premiered in 2011. The show, featuring Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar, became well-known for its on-screen chemistry, including a groundbreaking kiss scene. Ram Kapoor previously faced backlash for his involvement in the scene, expressing reservations during interviews. He stated, “Mera kaam as an actor is to do my job. I don’t owe an explanation to anybody… Mera kaam hai script ko follow karo… Main kaise bol sakta hu ki ye main nahi kar sakta, tab main actor nahi hu…so I did nothing wrong.”

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Ram Kapoor further defended his actions by explaining his discussions with Ekta Kapoor, highlighting the unprecedented nature of the scene on Indian television. He mentioned, “Ekta’s the one who wrote the scene, wanted us to do the scene… I said, okay, I’ll first get a go-ahead from my wife… Fir maine Sakshi ko bola ki look, I will handle Ekta, if you have a problem, tell me.”

Ekta Kapoor’s latest post suggests dissatisfaction with how Ram Kapoor has publicly addressed the matter. While specific details of her grievances were not fully disclosed, the timing indicates a strained relationship following the viral spread of Ram’s comments.

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain remains a significant show on Indian television, with its second season introducing new leads Nakuul Mehta and Disha Parmar. The ongoing discourse between Ekta Kapoor and Ram Kapoor underscores the challenges faced by industry professionals in managing public narratives.