Actor Hemani Chawla who was recently seen in the TV shows Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi and Kavya Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon, will be seen playing a powerful role in Namashi Chakraborty’s directorial venture film titled Ghost – A Haunting Love Story. This dramatic love story comes from the banner A MYRVD Movies Production, which is helmed by Mithun Chakraborty and his son Namashi Chakraborty. We have seen the banner come up with back-to-back short films like Bahar Aa Chaman Prakash, Izhaar etc, and engaging the audiences on the OTT platform.
Now the feature film is being worked about, a schedule of which was shot in Los Angeles, USA. This project will be Namashi Chakraborty’s debut project as Director. The feature is said to be made on a large scale with an entertaining concept and story plot in place.
We hear that Hemani will be a part of the main cast, and will have an enterprising role to play. The story plot will be high on romance and will also have an element of intrigue.
We buzzed Hemani but did not get through to her.
We reached out to the Director Namashi Chakraborty, but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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