Film Director Vikram Bhatt’s upcoming film Tumko Meri Kasam has been in the headlines as its shooting schedule has been rapidly progressing in Udaipur. The Kerala Story actress Adah Sharma plays the lead role in the film. As per media reports, the film also stars Anupam Kher, Esha Deol, and Ishwak Singh along with Adah Sharma. The film traces the life of Dr. Ajay Murdia, the founder of the nationwide chain of fertility clinics – Indira IVF. Vikram Bhatt is on a roll with him slated to direct three films of which this is one. The other two films include Viraat and Rann.

We now at have learned that child actor Vidhaan Sharma, who will be seen in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayan, will be playing a significant role. Vidhaan has been featured in many successful TV project and web projects including Qurbaan Hua, Yeh Hai Chahatein, Aankh Micholi, Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper etc.

As per a reliable source, “Vidhaan will be seen playing the son of Adah Sharma.”

Recently, the videos of Adah Sharma, shooting in Udaipur for this film, went viral. She shot at the campus of Mira Girls College, which gave an excitement level for the students studying in that college. Tumko Meri Kasam is touted to take the audiences back to the 1970’s as per its storyline.

We buzzed Vidhaan but did not get through to him.

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