Actor Hansika Motwani recently celebrated her brother Prashant Motwani’s birthday with her family, sharing moments from the celebration on her Instagram stories. The family gathered for an intimate celebration, enjoying the occasion despite the ongoing legal issues surrounding Prashant and his estranged wife, Muskan Nancy James.
In one of her posts, Hansika shared an image of Prashant bowing before a statue and added a caption that seemed to reference the ongoing controversy. She wrote, “Happy birthday bhaiya i___motwani jai dragon mata mere bhai ke dushmano tu kha jaa.” The caption caught attention as it appeared to address the tensions between her brother and Muskan.
Hansika also posted several photos from the celebration, featuring her family smiling and spending time together. The posts highlighted the family’s efforts to focus on positive moments amidst their personal challenges.
For context, Muskan Nancy James, a television actor, has filed an FIR against Prashant, his mother Jyoti Motwani, and Hansika. The complaint accuses the family of interfering in Muskan and Prashant’s marriage, which she claims led to significant problems in their relationship. Muskan has also alleged that Hansika and Jyoti demanded expensive gifts and cash, while pointing to property-related disputes as a source of conflict.
Additionally, Muskan accused Prashant of domestic violence, which she claims affected her mental health. She alleged that the stress of the situation contributed to her developing Bell’s Palsy, a condition that causes facial paralysis.
Despite these allegations, Hansika and her family seem to be focusing on personal milestones. While the legal proceedings continue, the birthday celebration offered a glimpse into the family’s close bond. Neither Hansika nor Prashant have publicly responded to Muskan’s allegations in detail, leaving the matter to be addressed through the ongoing legal process.