Punjabi actress Himanshi Khurana rose to fame after her stint in the controversial show Bigg Boss 13. In a recent post, she shocked her fans by sharing photos from the hospital. Known for her active presence on social media and in the Punjabi entertainment world, the actress uploaded photos of herself from her hospital bed on her Instagram account, raising concerns among her fans.

In the shared image, Himanshi is seen sitting on the hospital bed, where her hand has a cannula attached, hinting something serious. However, she is also seen applying her lipstick and looking into the mirror. The cryptic caption hinted at something coming up soon. As soon as the actress shared these photos online, fans flooded the comments box, expressing their concerns.

A user revealed that Himanshi had a high fever and was still working, but there is no confirmation about what exactly happened to the actress, which landed her in the hospital. The comment reads, “You’re soo strong you were shooting the whole day even after such high fever. Sooo proud of you Hk.”

Himanshi Khurana's Sudden Hospitalization Shocks Fans: Know Details 932675

The second prayed for Himanshi and said, “Sister himanshi I pray for god parmatma jaldi theek kare.”

“Get well soon missd u look beautifull naturally,” commented the third.

Himanshi is very vocal about her health issues. Earlier, she also revealed about dealing with PCOS and other health issues she had.