Yesterday marked a very special day for all fans and admirers of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt as finally, they got married in a private and intimate ceremony in presence of their family and close friends. The marriage took place at Ranbir Kapoor’s Vastu residence in Bandra, Pali Hill and without any element of doubt, the excitement and happiness of the fans was well and truly at its peak. This was undoubtedly one of the most anticipated weddings of B-Town this year and as expected, social media is currently filled with dreamy and engaging photos from the wedding.

While some photos were shared by Alia along with the other guests themselves, some were leaked by the paparazzi. However, we bet you haven’t really seen these cute leaked videos from the wedding. From a funny blooper during the Varmala to their adorable, romantic dance in Chaiyaa Chaiyaa song, we saw them do it all. Take a look below –

View Instagram Post 1: Inside Leaked Videos: From Dancing On 'Chaiyaa Chaiyaa' to Varmala exchange, all action you need to see from Ranbir Kapoor Alia Bhatt's wedding

Well, how amazing is that ladies and gentlemen? Let us know your views in the comments below and for more updates, stay tuned to