Onir is supremely disappointed by the honourable Supreme Court’s verdict denying legal legitimacy to same-sex marriages.
He doesn’t mince word while expressing his hurt and disappointment. “Let me ask the courts what is important : that all are equal in democracy or to use technical obstacles to make some less equal than others? Isn’t it important to give to us the rights that have been denied for decades? When our issues are put in parliament it basically means nothing.”
Says Onir, “The SC used the same old arguments to upturn the right of same-sex marriages that they did when gay sex was decriminalized: that homosexuality is a Western concept , that it is not part of our culture, people are not ready for it….How much longer will it take for people to be ready?”
However, Onir is happy that some good has come out of the long struggle. “Trans men and woman can marry one another because they do not threaten the man-woman notions of marriage. So at the end of the day, you relegate us the gay community back to where we were.”
Onir astutely points out the lack of gay support from the film industry. “Who besides me has spoken to you on Tuesday’s judgement? The minute you speak on gay right you are considered a part of the community. Why should only the gay community speak about its rights? Human rights and what is right and wrong should be every community’s concern.Human rights should not be a matter of sexual preference. Why isn’t my film fraternity speaking up for me? We as the queer community speak for all marginalized people.But why do we have to speak for ourselves?”