Actress Lee Fierro, best known for her famous Jaws “slap scene”, has reportedly died of complications from coronavirus. She was 91. The actor had moved from her home on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, where Jaws was filmed and was living in Ohio at an assisted-living facility. According to reports, she was a trained theatre actor. Fierro mentored many other aspiring actors, serving as the artistic director of the Island Theatre Workshop in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, US, for 25 years.
In the 1975’s Jaws, Lee Fierro played Mrs Kintner, the second victim of the killer great white shark. She reprised her role as Mrs Kintner in Jaws: The Revenge in 1987. A small memorial service will be organised in the memory of Lee Fierro in Ohio by her family as well as there are plans for a memorial service to be held in Martha’s Vineyard. The novel coronavirus has wreaked havoc all around and claimed over 50 thousand live. We hope things get better in the coming days and the situation improves with passing days.
Our prayers to this amazing actress we lost and for the world as a whole!