Tamil actor Jayam Ravi made a significant announcement on January 13, revealing that he will now be known as Ravi Mohan. In a heartfelt note shared on social media, the actor explained his decision to adopt his original name moving forward.

Along with this change, Ravi Mohan unveiled plans to launch his own production house, Ravi Mohan Studios. The actor expressed that the studio’s mission is to support emerging talent and deliver innovative content to audiences. Highlighting the importance of creating opportunities, he stated that the production house would focus on nurturing fresh voices in the industry.

Ravi Mohan also announced a transformation for his fan community. His official fan account will now operate as the Ravi Mohan Fans Foundation, an initiative aimed at making a positive difference in society. The foundation will work to assist those in need, reflecting the actor’s commitment to giving back to the community.

Jayam Ravi changes his name to 'Ravi Mohan'; announces new venture 932579

Jayam Ravi changes his name to 'Ravi Mohan'; announces new venture 932580

The actor concluded his announcement by extending warm wishes for Pongal and shared a thoughtful caption, “The removal of the old and the introduction of the new.” This shift marks a new chapter in Ravi Mohan’s career, emphasizing his dedication to both personal growth and community development.

Fans and followers have expressed their support for the actor’s decision, appreciating his efforts to blend his career aspirations with meaningful contributions to society.