Jio Studios’ and Wide Angle Creations’ upcoming Tamil film Appatha directed by Padma Shri and National Award-winning filmmaker Priyadarshan and starring National Award-winning actress Urvashi in her 700th film, has been selected as the opening film at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Film Festival organised by the Government of India, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting through the National Film Development Corporation in association with the SCO Council of Heads of States. The screening will be held in Mumbai on 27th January 2023 at Films Division Complex.
Talking about the film’s selection Priyadarshan shares, “We are honoured Appatha has been selected as the opening film at this prestigious occasion. I would like to thank my producers Jio Studios and Wide Angle Creations for bringing this simple and lovely story to me. It has been a pleasure collaborating on this film and wonderful to be working with a phenomenal talent like Urvashi on her milestone 700th film. Appatha is something different from anything I have attempted earlier and I am looking forward to seeing to how the audiences react to it.”
Written by Hardik Gajjar, screenplay by
Priyadarshan and Deepthi Govindarajan and directed by Priyadarshan, Appatha is a beautiful tale of an unlikely bond and sows the values of respecting your parents and finding oneself.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Film Festival is being organized from the 27th – 31st of January, 2023, in Mumbai, by the Government of India, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting through the National Film Development Corporation, in association with the SCO Council of Heads of States. It is being organized to mark India’s Presidency at SCO from Sep 2022 to Sep 2023.