Actor Kajal Aggarwal will play the role of Goddess Parvathi in Vishnu Manchu’s ambitious Telugu film Kannappa. The first-look poster of Kajal’s character was unveiled recently, introducing her as Parvathi Devi. The film is a mythological drama slated for a theatrical release on April 25, 2025.

Kajal took to her social media to share the poster, calling it a “dream role” and expressing her excitement about starting the new year on a spiritual note. The poster describes Parvathi Devi as “Mother who rules over three worlds! The trishakti who protects her devotees! In the sacred Sri Kalahasti Shrine, resides the holy Jnana Prasunambika!”

While Kajal’s role is a cameo, the film features an ensemble cast, including Prabhas, Akshay Kumar, and Mohanlal in key roles. Vishnu Manchu, who also stars in the project, is producing the film under the banner of his father Mohan Babu, a renowned actor and producer in the Telugu film industry.

Kajal Aggarwal reveals the poster of 'dream role' Parvathi in 'Kannappa' 931694

Directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh, Kannappa is based on the legendary devotee Kannappa, known for his unwavering devotion to Lord Shiva. The film also stars Mohan Babu, R Sarathkumar, Preity Mukundan, Arpit Ranka, Kaushal Manda, Rahul Madhav, and Devaraj in supporting roles.

With a big-budget production and a stellar cast, Kannappa is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated Telugu films of 2025. Kajal’s portrayal of Goddess Parvathi is expected to add a divine dimension to this epic narrative. Fans are eagerly waiting to see how the film brings this age-old story to life on the big screen.