Kangana Ranaut recently shared a behind-the-scenes moment from the sets of her upcoming film, creating excitement among her fans. Taking to Instagram, the actress posted a candid picture of herself sitting with members of the film’s crew. The group appeared to be deep in discussion about the project. Along with the photo, Kangana wrote, “Happy to be back with my favourite film crew #ALVijay #rmadhavan #ooty,” expressing her enthusiasm for reuniting with the team.

Kangana Ranaut 'excited to be back' shooting with R. Madhavan 934107

The project marks Kangana’s collaboration with R Madhavan and director AL Vijay. The actress had announced the film last year on her X (formerly Twitter) account. Sharing her excitement, she revealed that the movie is a psychological thriller and that filming had commenced in Chennai. Kangana’s post read, “Today in Chennai we started filming our new film, a psychological thriller. Other details coming soon. For now, need all your support and blessings for this very unusual and exciting script.”

Though details about the movie remain under wraps, fans are eagerly awaiting updates, especially given the intriguing genre and the pairing of Kangana and Madhavan, who last worked together in Tanu Weds Manu and its sequel.

The latest picture from the set has only added to the buzz surrounding the film. With the scenic location of Ooty as one of its backdrops, the project promises an interesting cinematic experience. The film’s premise, combined with Kangana and Madhavan’s performances, has raised expectations among moviegoers. Fans are now looking forward to more updates and the film’s release.

Madhavan recently had an OTT release in the form of Hisaab Barabar while Kangana had her directorial, Emergency release last week.