Comedian Kapil Sharma has reportedly received a death threat via email, sparking a police investigation. According to Mumbai Police, the email, sent by an individual identifying themselves as “BISHNU,” warned Sharma about consequences on personal and professional fronts if no response was given within eight hours. Treating the matter seriously, Sharma lodged a complaint with Amboli Police, which has filed an FIR against an unidentified individual under section 351(3) of BNS.
The email, described by the sender as “not a publicity stunt,” urged Sharma to maintain confidentiality and address the issue promptly. The investigation is underway to trace the sender and determine their motives.
Kapil Sharma joins a growing list of celebrities who have received similar threatening emails in recent months. Comedian Sugandha Mishra and choreographer Remo D’Souza also lodged complaints after receiving identical threats. Actor Rajpal Yadav had received a similar email last December, which went unnoticed in his spam folder until he reported it to police on December 17.
Mumbai Police have prioritized the investigation, given the apparent targeting of public figures. The threats come amid heightened concerns over celebrity safety following recent incidents of violence. Last October, politician Baba Siddique was shot dead outside his Bandra residence, with responsibility claimed by jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang.
In another shocking incident, actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Bandra home last week. An intruder stabbed Khan multiple times, leaving him with serious injuries. After undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital, Khan was discharged on January 21 and later greeted fans outside his residence. An auto driver, Bhajan Singh Rana, was instrumental in rushing the actor to the hospital.
With multiple threats and attacks surfacing, Mumbai Police are intensifying efforts to ensure the safety of high-profile individuals.