Renowned filmmaker Karan Johar has candidly shared about a challenging period in his life when he faced substantial criticism on social media. During a recent conversation with Sucharita Tyagi, he revealed how the barrage of negativity impacted his mother, Hiroo Johar, and the resilience he had to summon to navigate through this tough phase.
Karan explained, “Over the past three years, I experienced a wave of hate directed at me, which deeply affected my mother. She followed TV news and read online content, and witnessing that was tough for her,” as quoted by Hindustan Times. The filmmaker disclosed that he observed his mother feeling emotionally distressed due to the onslaught of disparaging content online, including TV anchors and social media users targeting him with harsh words.
Addressing the labelling he received as part of the industry’s alleged “movie mafia,” Karan shared his perspective on the matter. “At that time, all I could do was remain resilient, not just for myself but also for my mother. It’s a vulnerable feeling when something like this happens. It feels like everyone has scrutinized you and your life is an open book,” he expressed.
Karan further mentioned that he perceived this phase as a time when his personal life was laid bare, and he had nothing left to hide. He pointed out that people made assumptions and formed judgments about him, even though they didn’t truly understand his character. Despite the challenges he faced, he highlighted the daily struggles of a producer in the industry and how it often involves working relentlessly to cast actors and bring projects to fruition.
Although he refrained from naming anyone directly, Karan Johar’s candid revelations offer a glimpse into the emotional toll that online negativity and unfounded perceptions can have, even on public figures.