Kareena Kapoor Khan recently met the respectable prime minister of India, Narendra Modi. Not only she but her sister Karisma Kapoor, brother Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Neetu Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, and others joined the special meet held to honor the amazing contribution of Kareena’s great-grandfather Raj Kapoor in the film industry. Celebrating the hundred years of Raj Kapoor, the family met the PM of India, and Kareena shared some heartfelt moments from the meet.

The Bollywood beauty uploaded a series of photos on Instagram showcasing a glimpse from the meet. She posed with Modi Ji and her husband, Saif Ali Khan, with a bright smile on her face. From family photos to taking separate pictures with Modi and Saif Ali Khan, Kareena captured the wholesome moments from the meet. Though she couldn’t take her sons Taimur and Jehangir for the meet, she got a special gift for them from the Prime Minister. Kareena got Modi Ji’s autograph on a piece of paper with Taimur and Jehangir’s names on it to surprise her sons.

Expressing her feelings and emotions from the special meet celebrating her great-grandfather’s contribution to cinema, the actress penned a heartfelt note and also revealed the surprise of Raj Kapoor’s ten films re-releasing in theaters from 13-15 December. She wrote, “We are deeply humbled and honored to have been invited by the Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, to commemorate the extraordinary life and legacy of our grandfather, the legendary Raj Kapoor.

Thank you Shri Modi ji for such a special afternoon. Your warmth, attention, and support in celebrating this milestone meant the world to us.

Kareena Kapoor Khan Poses With PM Modi, Takes Special Gift From Him For Taimur And Jehangir 929022

Kareena Kapoor Khan Poses With PM Modi, Takes Special Gift From Him For Taimur And Jehangir 929023

As we celebrate 100 glorious years of Dadaji’s artistry, vision, and contribution to Indian cinema, we honour the timeless impact of his legacy, which continues to inspire us and generations to come.

We are proud to showcase his iconic films and remember the impact he had on Indian cinema with the ‘Raj Kapoor 100 Film Festival’. Dec 13-15, 2024 | 10 films | 40 cities | 135 cinemas. #100YearsOfRajKapoor.”