Kareena Kapoor Khan recently shared her experiences in a candid roundtable conversation with some of Indian cinema’s finest talents, including Shabana Azmi, Pratik Gandhi, Rajkummar Rao, and Vicky Kaushal. During the discussion, she spoke openly about her work in director Rohit Shetty’s films, her emotional journey with Laal Singh Chaddha, and the unwavering support she received from Aamir Khan.
Kareena began by discussing the challenges of working in a Rohit Shetty film, particularly within the director’s signature style of high-octane action and larger-than-life comedy. She explained how the films often feature over-the-top, gravity-defying stunts, making it a unique challenge for actors to make these moments feel grounded and believable. For Kareena, the difficulty lay in convincing audiences of a world where cars fly and explosions are part of the narrative, a style that Shetty has perfected but which requires a different acting approach.
The conversation also turned to Laal Singh Chaddha, the 2022 film where Kareena played the role of Rupa alongside Aamir Khan. Despite the film’s underperformance at the box office, Kareena reflected on the emotional journey of working on the film, noting how close the character was to her heart. She spoke of the support and empathy she received from Aamir Khan during a particularly tough period when the film didn’t achieve the commercial success many had hoped for. Kareena revealed that Aamir, deeply affected by the film’s reception, expressed his gratitude for her commitment to the project and reassured her during difficult moments.
Kareena also shared a personal anecdote about filming Laal Singh Chaddha while pregnant. She admitted to feeling anxious about the possibility of being replaced due to the physical demands of her role. However, Aamir Khan’s approach was full of understanding and kindness. He told her he was happy for her and reassured her that they would navigate the challenges together, an act of empathy that Kareena described as deeply meaningful. This support, she explained, allowed her to focus on her work without fear, knowing she had Aamir’s backing both professionally and personally.
For Kareena, Laal Singh Chaddha was not just another film but a deeply personal project. Her reflections during the roundtable revealed her respect for the people she works with and the importance of mutual support in an industry known for its pressures and challenges.
Through her conversation, it was clear that for Kareena, the emotional connections and empathy she received from her colleagues, particularly Aamir Khan, were just as important as the work itself.