Keerthy Suresh, the talented actress renowned for her role in Mahanati, recently shared a candid look into her journey through the film industry, touching on the challenges she faced, including discrimination and personal struggles. In a revealing interview with Galatta India, as part of the Limelight Diamonds presents Galatta India Fans Festival, Keerthy opened up about how she navigated a sometimes harsh industry and the hurdles that almost made her quit.

Keerthy, who made her Hindi debut with Baby John, a remake of the Tamil hit Theri, spoke about how early setbacks shaped her career. After her first Tamil film failed, she was labeled “unlucky” by several producers, a harsh stigma that followed her. On top of this, the actress faced rumors in the media, with gossip columns constantly speculating about her personal life, including false stories about her dating co-stars. She also shared how she was often judged for making career decisions that didn’t align with others’ expectations, such as turning down roles or rejecting certain offers.

Despite these challenges, Keerthy found support from her close friends, especially Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Samantha, who played the original role in Theri, remained a constant source of encouragement throughout Keerthy’s career. Their bond, built on mutual respect and friendship, helped Keerthy stay grounded amid the pressures of the industry.

One of the most surprising revelations from Keerthy’s conversation was her initial reluctance to accept the role of Savitri in Mahanati. When she was first approached for the role, she was apprehensive and initially said no, fearing she wasn’t ready for such a demanding character. However, after reconsidering, Keerthy took on the role, which turned out to be a defining moment in her career. The film not only earned her the prestigious National Award for Best Actress, but it also fulfilled her mother’s dream of seeing her succeed in a significant way.

Reflecting on her success, Keerthy also spoke about how her parents reacted to her achievements. She emphasized that her victory was not just her own but a realization of her family’s dreams. The conversation also touched on a more recent viral moment, where her manager intervened to stop paparazzi from filming her from an intrusive angle. Keerthy spoke about how important it is to protect one’s privacy, even in the public eye, and how she values respect in such situations.