Actor Kiara Advani was unable to attend the trailer launch of her upcoming film Game Changer in Mumbai on Saturday due to health concerns. The event’s emcee informed attendees that Kiara had been hospitalised earlier in the day. Details about her illness were not disclosed.
As known, Kiara stars alongside Ram Charan in Game Changer, a political drama set to hit cinemas on January 10. Directed by S Shankar, the film delves into the story of an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer who confronts corruption in the political system while advocating for free and fair elections.
Prior to the Mumbai event, the team had released the film’s teaser at a gathering in Lucknow. The teaser offered glimpses of Ram Charan transitioning between his roles as an academic and a man of action. Scenes featured intense confrontations with adversaries as well as romantic moments with Kiara’s character.
Game Changer marks a significant collaboration between Ram Charan and director Shankar, known for his work on large-scale projects. The film’s narrative aims to blend high-stakes drama with elements of action and romance.
Kiara’s absence from the trailer launch has sparked concern among her fans, many of whom took to social media to express their wishes for her speedy recovery. The actor has not yet issued a statement regarding her health or her next public appearance.
As anticipation builds for Game Changer’s release, audiences eagerly await updates on both the film and Kiara’s condition.
As per sources now, “Kiara Advani has not been hospitalised, she’s been advised to rest due to exersion as she’s been working non-stop.”