Former actor Amrita Arora recently shared a candid image from her home featuring her sister, Malaika Arora, their mother, Jocelyn, and their pet dog, Casper. The photo captured a simple family moment, with Amrita mentioning in her caption that they were discussing lunch and dinner plans.

What made the post significant was that it marked the first time they shared an image of their mother, Jocelyn, after the passing of her husband, Anil Arora. Anil Arora, a former Merchant Navy officer, reportedly died by suicide. The family has largely kept their personal grief private, making this moment a rare and notable one for their followers.

Malaika Arora, a well-known personality in the entertainment industry, has remained active in her professional commitments. She recently judged the dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11, alongside Arshad Warsi and Farah Khan. Apart from television, she continues to manage her business ventures, including her yoga studio and lifestyle brand.

Malaika Arora & Amrita Arora shared a candid moment with their mother Jocelyn 934858

Amrita Arora, who stepped away from acting years ago, has been focusing on her personal and business life. She and her husband, Shakeel Ladak, recently launched a new restaurant in Mumbai, adding to their entrepreneurial ventures. The Arora sisters have always shared glimpses of their lives on social media, balancing personal moments with professional updates.

This latest post serves as a quiet yet significant moment, highlighting the family’s bond and their way of moving forward while cherishing memories of their father.