On Friday, December 6, Malayalam actor Siddique was officially taken into custody as part of a serious legal matter involving a rape allegation. This development came after the Supreme Court issued an order that had previously provided him with protection against being held in judicial remand and undergoing custodial interrogation. The case has garnered significant media attention, highlighting the severity of the accusations and the ongoing legal proceedings surrounding the actor.

Following a recent decision by the Supreme Court, Siddique was released on bail from a magistrate court, a development that has garnered significant attention as per a report in The Hindu. On Friday, he attended a questioning session at the Narcotic Cell, where he sat before the Assistant Commissioner in Thiruvananthapuram. The interrogation lasted for more than two hours, during which officials sought to gather detailed information related to the ongoing case. Despite the intense questioning, he was soon released on bail, especially since the Supreme Court had previously granted him anticipatory bail in November concerning this matter.

As we know, after the Hema Committee Report made its way, a rape case was filed against Siddique following a female actor’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her in 2016. An FIR under sections 376 (rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) was registered against the actor at museum police station, a senior police officer said. The case was registered under the IPC as the offence allegedly occurred in 2016.

In a media interaction, the actress had alleged that the incident happened when she was 21 years old. She stated that Siddique initially contacted her on Facebook, addressing her as “Mole,” a term often used in Kerala to refer to a young girl or daughter. She further claimed that during the discussion, he sexually abused her.