Veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu was hospitalized on December 10, 2024, following an alleged altercation with a journalist outside his residence in Jalpally, Hyderabad. The incident, which occurred in the presence of several reporters, has further intensified the ongoing public feud between the actor and his son, Manchu Manoj.
According to the complaint filed by the journalist, the confrontation occurred when he and other reporters were invited by Manoj to cover a dispute between father and son. The actor allegedly became aggressive and grabbed the journalist’s microphone, striking him with it, resulting in a head injury. The journalist, who sought medical treatment at Trident Hospital in Shamshabad, has filed a case against Mohan Babu under Section 118 (1) of the IPC for “voluntarily causing hurt using dangerous weapons.”
Following the incident, Mohan Babu was rushed to Continental Hospitals in Gachibowli with complaints of body pain, anxiety, and loss of consciousness. The hospital’s health bulletin revealed that the actor had a blunt injury below his left eye and was also experiencing high blood pressure and heart rate fluctuations. Medical professionals provided immediate care, and he remains under observation.
The altercation is the latest chapter in a bitter family dispute that has played out publicly in recent weeks.
The feud first gained attention when Mohan Babu filed a police complaint against his son and daughter-in-law, accusing them of attempting to forcibly take possession of his home. Adding fuel to the fire, Mohan Babu claimed that Manoj struggled with alcohol addiction. In response, Manoj sought police protection, alleging that he had been physically assaulted by his father.
Eyewitnesses at the scene on December 10 said that Manoj tried to force his way into his father’s house to meet his daughter, which led to a standoff with security personnel.
Tensions escalated when Mohan Babu allegedly attacked the journalist, prompting the police to register a case against the actor.
As the investigation unfolds, both the family drama and the legal proceedings surrounding the assault continue to make headlines.