Popular South Indian actor Unni Mukundan, on his social media, penned a shocking note revealing that he is helpless at this moment. Recently, his Malayam-language film Marco was released in theatres with a budget of 30 crore, reportedly on 20 December 2024. The film was released in Malayalam and Hindi, while the Telugu version was released on 1 January across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The film is making it big at the box office across the country and earned one crore on the thirteenth day in the Hindi version. The total film collection in India stands at 42.15 crore. In addition, the film has also surpassed Dulquer Salmaan’s record, becoming the highest-earning A-rated Malayalam film. It’s already a blockbuster, but Unni Mukundan’s shocking post on social media has raised eyebrows as the actor revealed that he feels helpless.

On Wednesday, 1 January, Unni, on his Instagram account, shared a post revealing that he feels helpless. In his note, the actor requested his fans not to watch pirated movies, highlighting that he feels helpless with this and that only the viewers can stop it. Joining his hands, the actor mentioned that it was his request. He wrote, “Please don’t watch pirated movies. We are helpless. I’m feeling helpless. Only YOU can stop this. By not watching/downloading the films online. It’s a request.”

Unni Mukundan’s recently released film Marco leaked online, and the actor requested his fans not to watch pirated films as he felt helpless. He captioned his post, “Please.”

Marco Actor Unni Mukundan Feels Helpless, Here's What Happened? 931150

Fans extended their support and expressed their opinions in the comments box. A user said, “Marco is a true theater experience like no other. This original leak is really sad, i hope people watch it in the cinemas instead of the leaked copy.” The second wrote, “True …films have to seen in theatres.”