We woke up on Wednesday to reports of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor getting engaged. However, a little probing proved these reports to be completely false.A source close to the Kapoors told me the Kapoors and Alia’s family was joining hands, but not in marriage.

“At least not yet,” the source laughed. “They are off together for a holiday to bring in the New Years at the Ranthambore National Park.”

While Ranbir is accompanied by his mother Neetu Kapoor and sister Riddhima and brother-in-law Bharat Sahni, Alia’s mother and sister are also on the safari.

Quite an entourage, this!

Alia returns to Mumbai to resume shooting from January 5 for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi.