Actor Nushrratt Bharuchha has signed her next. Producer Vishal Rana of Echelon Productions has teamed up with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap for an upcoming thriller which will start Bharuchha in the lead role. Akshat Ajay Sharma will direct the film, marking a collaboration of new creative forces in the industry.

Speaking about the project, Vishal Rana shared his excitement about working with Anurag Kashyap and introducing Akshat Ajay Sharma as the director. He explained that having Nushrratt Bharuchha in the lead role, Kashyap as the Creative Producer, and Sharma directing the project aligns with their goal of creating meaningful and impactful cinema.

Nushrratt Bharuchha reflected on the film as a major milestone in her career. She expressed how collaborating with Anurag Kashyap had always been a dream, and this project allowed her to explore a gripping thriller with him. She also highlighted her eagerness to work with Vishal Rana and Akshat Ajay Sharma, describing the collaboration as a special one since it marked her first time working with all three of them.

Nushrratt Bharuchha collaborates with Anurag Kashyap for her next 934257

Nushrratt Bharuchha collaborates with Anurag Kashyap for her next 934258

Nushrratt Bharuchha collaborates with Anurag Kashyap for her next 934259

Anurag Kashyap noted his enthusiasm for the team and the story. He mentioned that he had been wanting to collaborate with Vishal Rana for a long time and was pleased it was finally happening. He described Akshat Ajay Sharma, whom he had worked with on Sacred Games, as having a sharp vision and called Nushrratt a talented actor he admired. He praised the script for exploring new dimensions of storytelling.

Director Akshat Ajay Sharma commented that the story ventures into uncharted territory. He expressed excitement about working alongside Vishal Rana, Nushrratt Bharuchha, and Anurag Kashyap, describing the project as a great creative opportunity.

Filming is expected to begin soon.