For the longest time, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have been dating and making their fans happy and excited for their relationship. What’s most exciting is the fact that we all knew how much Alia used to gush over Ranbir Kapoor ever since his debut movie ‘Saawariya’. It was looked upon as a complete destiny altogether when Ranbir and Alia fell in love with each other. Add to that, their families too accepted the relationship and the biggest thing that could happen to the relationship was marriage.

But now seems like the tides have turned. As per a media report in, the couple has parted ways and Ranbir’s absence from Alia’s birthday bash added more fire to the speculations.

Although we are yet to have a final word of clarification from Ranbir and Alia on this, here’s hoping things are positive at their end. For more updates, stay tuned to