Pori Moni, a renowned Bangladeshi actress, took her first steps into Tollywood with the film Felu Bakshi alongside Soham Chakraborty and Madhumita Sarkar. However, her debut hit a roadblock due to unforeseen visa issues.

The film’s shooting commenced in March, and some dubbing has already been completed. Nevertheless, Pori Moni’s remaining dubbing work remains pending, and her inability to travel to Kolkata has brought the project to a standstill.

The crux of the issue is the current turmoil in Bangladesh, which has resulted in stringent visa regulations. For now, only emergency medical or student visas are being issued to residents of West Bengal.

Director Devraj Sinha’s thriller Felu Bakshi generated significant buzz, with Pori Moni’s involvement adding to the excitement. The film’s fate now hangs in the balance as the team awaits the resolution of the visa impasse.

As the film industry navigates these challenges, fans are eagerly awaiting updates on Felu Bakshi’s status. Their anticipation and interest in Pori Moni’s Tollywood debut overcoming this hurdle or the project remaining in limbo is palpable.

The ongoing visa complications have sparked significant concerns about the impact on cultural exchange between Bangladesh and West Bengal. As the situation unfolds, the fate of Felu Bakshi remains a topic of discussion among film enthusiasts, raising awareness about the broader implications of these issues.