The new year starts with the shocking news of well-known Bengali Film director Arun Roy. The film director passed away today, on 2 January 2025, at the age of 56. He took his last breath in the hospital today. Arun had been battling with cancer for more than one and a half years and was admitted to R G Kar Hospital last month due to a lung infection. In the last few days, his condition deteriorated, leading to his demise, as per the sources from the hospital. The film director’s sudden demise shocked many actors, and popular Bengali star Prosenjit Chatterjee expressed his feelings through social media.

On his Instagram story, Prosenjit shared a story featuring the director Arun Roy’s photo, and he wrote, “REST IN PEACE.” In addition in his long note the actor praised the director and shared that he will forever live people’s heart, “Each film by Arun Roy, in past one decade, from Egaro to Bagha Jatin, made us think afresh. This morning, after his long battle with cancer, he was physically defeated but he will be winner within our hearts. His cinemas will tell about his real victory. My sympathies to his near and dear ones.”

Prosenjit Chatterjee Mourns The Death Of Bengali Film Director Arun Roy 931203

Arun Roy rose to fame in 2011 with his first film, Egaro-v. He has other hit films, including Cholai, Hiralal, Bagha Jatin, and others.