SS Rajamouli has sparked excitement among fans with a recent Instagram post hinting at the start of his much-awaited project with Mahesh Babu. The film, tentatively titled SSMB29, is written by Vijayendra Prasad and is expected to be a high-stakes action-adventure, reminiscent of Indiana Jones.

On Friday, Rajamouli shared a video teasing the upcoming project. In the clip, he showcased Mahesh Babu’s passport, accompanied by a playful caption suggesting the actor is now “captured” for the shoot. Fans took this as confirmation that production is officially underway.

View Instagram Post 1: Rajamouli finally begins shoot for 'SSMB29'? Mahesh Babu & Priyanka Chopra react

Mahesh Babu responded in the comments with a famous dialogue from his 2006 hit Pokiri, writing, “Okkasaari commit ayithe naa maata nene vinanu (Once I commit, I won’t even listen to myself).” The playful interaction delighted fans and added to the buzz surrounding the film.

Priyanka Chopra, who recently returned to India, also commented on Rajamouli’s post, saying, “😂🙌 Finally.” Her response fueled speculation about her involvement in the project. Earlier, Priyanka had shared pictures from her visit to Chilkur Balaji Temple in Telangana, hinting at a “new chapter.” In her post, she expressed gratitude and sought blessings for what appears to be an exciting development in her career.

SSMB29 was officially launched in Hyderabad with a pooja ceremony. Though details about the film’s plot and cast remain under wraps, it is expected to deliver a thrilling cinematic experience.

Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu recently lent his voice to the Telugu version of Mufasa: The Lion King. Priyanka Chopra, on the other hand, celebrated the Oscar nomination of Anuja, a short film she executive produced, further adding to her achievements. Fans now eagerly await updates about this collaboration.