Actor and voice artist Rajesh Khattar, known for voicing Shekhawat in the Hindi version of Pushpa 2: The Rule, recently addressed the issue of dubbing artists receiving royalties for their contributions to blockbuster films. The conversation, previously initiated by actor Shreyas Talpade, who voiced Pushpa in both parts of the franchise, has gained traction as voice artists seek recognition and fair compensation for their work.
In an interview with Lehren, Khattar highlighted the growing significance of dubbed versions in the Indian film industry. He noted that it was remarkable for a dubbed version to surpass the original in terms of box office success, as was the case with the Hindi version of Pushpa. While acknowledging the hard work of the filmmaking team, Khattar stated that voice artists also deserve credit for their contribution to the film’s success.
Khattar pointed out that India lacks a system for royalties for dubbing artists, unlike the recognition and royalties received by songwriters and scriptwriters. He referenced the efforts of individuals like Javed Akhtar and Salim Khan, who worked to ensure that writers received due respect and financial benefits. However, he expressed doubt about such a system being implemented for dubbing artists in the near future.
He also remarked that while there is an association for voice artists, it lacks the influence and strength of organizations representing singers and writers. Khattar emphasized that, in the absence of a royalty system, better remuneration for dubbing artists would be a step in the right direction.
The debate around royalties and recognition for dubbing artists continues to grow, especially as dubbed films achieve massive success, underscoring the importance of voice artists in enhancing cinematic experiences for diverse audiences.