Actor Rajkummar Rao recently shared an Instagram post that immediately caught the attention of fans. In his post, he wrote, “Something special is brewing. Can’t wait to share it with you all. Stay tuned!” The caption was accompanied by an image of him and his wife, Patralekhaa, under vibrant, trippy lighting.

Soon after the post went live, fans flooded the comments section, speculating whether the couple was about to announce a major personal milestone. Many assumed that the message hinted at Patralekhaa’s pregnancy and that the couple was preparing to share the news of becoming parents.

Rajkummar Rao's post sparks speculation; responds to pregnancy rumors 934691

Rajkummar Rao's post sparks speculation; responds to pregnancy rumors 934692

However, before the speculation could gain momentum, Rajkummar quickly updated his caption, adding a clarification: “P.S. We are not becoming parents yet.” This edit helped clear any misunderstandings, signaling that the announcement was unrelated to their personal life.

Despite the clarification, curiosity remains about what the actor is teasing. While some believe it could be related to an upcoming project, others think it might be a collaboration featuring both Rajkummar and Patralekhaa.

Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa, who tied the knot in 2021, have often shared glimpses of their personal and professional lives on social media, engaging their audience with updates. With no further details revealed, fans are now eagerly waiting for the actual announcement behind his cryptic post.